Configuring CI Using Azure Pipelines and Nx
Below is an example of an Azure Pipelines setup building and testing only what is affected.
2 - main
4 - main
7 CI: 'true'
8 ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}:
9 NX_BRANCH: $(System.PullRequest.PullRequestId) # You can use $(System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber if your pipeline is triggered by a PR from GitHub ONLY)
10 TARGET_BRANCH: $[replace(variables['System.PullRequest.TargetBranch'],'refs/heads/','origin/')]
11 BASE_SHA: $(git merge-base $(TARGET_BRANCH) HEAD)
12 ${{ if ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}:
13 NX_BRANCH: $(Build.SourceBranchName)
14 BASE_SHA: $(git rev-parse HEAD~1)
15 HEAD_SHA: $(git rev-parse HEAD)
18 - job: main
19 pool:
20 vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
21 steps:
22 - checkout: self
23 fetchDepth: 0
25 # Set Azure Devops CLI default settings
26 - bash: az devops configure --defaults organization=$(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri) project=$(System.TeamProject)
27 displayName: 'Set default Azure DevOps organization and project'
28 # Get last successfull commit from Azure Devops CLI
29 - displayName: 'Get last successful commit SHA'
30 condition: ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
31 env:
32 AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT: $(System.AccessToken)
33 bash: |
34 LAST_SHA=$(az pipelines build list --branch $(Build.SourceBranchName) --definition-ids $(System.DefinitionId) --result succeeded --top 1 --query "[0].triggerInfo.\"ci.sourceSha\"")
35 if [ -z "$LAST_SHA" ]
36 then
37 echo "Last successful commit not found. Using fallback 'HEAD~1': $BASE_SHA"
38 else
39 echo "Last successful commit SHA: $LAST_SHA"
40 echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BASE_SHA]$LAST_SHA"
41 fi
43 # Required for nx affected if we're on a branch
44 - script: git branch --track main origin/main
45 # This line enables distribution
46 # The "--stop-agents-after" is optional, but allows idle agents to shut down once the "e2e-ci" targets have been requested
47 # - script: npx nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on="5 linux-medium-js" --stop-agents-after="e2e-ci"
48 - script: npm ci
50 - script: npx nx-cloud record -- nx format:check --base=$(BASE_SHA)
51 - script: npx nx affected --base=$(BASE_SHA) -t lint test build e2e-ci
Get the Commit of the Last Successful Build
In the example above, we ran a script to retrieve the commit of the last successful build. The idea is to use Azure Devops CLI directly in the Pipeline Yaml
First, we configure Devops CLI
1# Set Azure Devops default settings
2- bash: az devops configure --defaults organization=$(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri) project=$(System.TeamProject)
3 displayName: 'Configure Azure DevOps organization and project'
Then we can query the pipelines API (providing the auth token)
1# Get last successfully commit infos from Azure Devops
2- bash: |
3 LAST_SHA=$(az pipelines build list --branch $(Build.SourceBranchName) --definition-ids $(System.DefinitionId) --result succeeded --top 1 --query "[0].triggerInfo.\"ci.sourceSha\"")
4 echo "Last successful commit SHA: $LAST_SHA"
5 echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BASE_SHA]$LAST_SHA"
6 displayName: 'Get last successful commit SHA'
7 env:
8 AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT: $(System.AccessToken)
We can target a specific build; in this example, we specified:
- The branch (--branch)
- The pipeline ID (--definition-ids)
- The result type (--result)
- The number of the result (-top)
The command returns an entire JSON object with all the information. But we can narrow it down to the desired result with the --query
param that uses JMESPath format (more details)
Finally, we extract the result in a common custom variable named BASE_SHA
used later by the nx format
and nx affected